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Showing posts with label Seo blog top seo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seo blog top seo. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Top 11 Killer ON - Page SEO Tip's 2017

July 06, 2017 0
Top 11 Killer ON - Page SEO Tip's 2017
1.Use keyword:-On page SEO, the most important keywords are: If you are a blogger then the post is sure to be a keyboard

Do it because without keywords, you share the content on the blog. So it will not work, if you use keywords in every post. Of course, these tips will be very helpful in bringing your blog's Traffic Increase to Google Search Engine's First Rank. That is why we suggest you do the keywords in the blog post.

2.permalink:-We can tell you that the permalink blog contains the url of the post. Whenever you share a post on the blog, then use permalink, along with the small permalink written as small, so that the best rank in Google search.

3.Mega tag description:-Regarding this, all of us will know about Blogger as what is Meta Tag and why it is important for the contents of our blog. If not, then do not take the tension. Today we are going to tell the details. If you have meta tag in your post If you use description, then your post will be at the first of Google search rank. In Meta Tag you write about 180 words in the word, we suggest that whenever you share the post, you have to use the relevant keyboard from the post. You will also get more and more search click, so you should use Meta Tag description in your blog.

4.Image optimization:-Loading of any blog depends on more and image, so let us tell you that whenever you share a post on your blog, optimize the image according to seo. Use alt tag in alt image, compress the size from image, you must use 1 image in your post, spare
3-4 Image Never do it, Never use another site's Image, Whenever image is used then Free stock

5.content per post:-Let us tell you that if you use Word 100-200 in the post, you can never visit your blog's post rank at the first rank. If you are doing this then this is absolutely wrong. Whenever you publish a post on the blog whenever you post to the blog, use 1000 word maximum, if you write a post in 1000 work word, then getting traffic is difficult in today's date, You suggest that whenever you write a post, write a little longer which is very good for your future.

6.loading speed:-Yes friends Google also see what speed loading of your blog is. If you have a slow loading of the website then just do Fast Loading, if you use Google Blogger Blogspot, then no matter if you use another website i.e. WordPress. So keep in mind that the loading speed of the website is done, so many Metter do to become a Success Blogger. You should remember that work from the loading work of your site is 4 second, why success is in the blogger, if any new visitors come to your site, then its loading speed is faster. Then they return from your site. That's why we would suggest that you do the loading speed of your website.

7.use sitemap:-Hello friends What is your address sitemap? If not then no matter today we are going to remove your confuesion sitemap is a type of measurement. From which Google finds the Structure of the entire post of your website Whenever Google reads a site. So first of all, Google's crawler
Sitemap Search the XML file. That's why you must use sitemap on your website.

8.Internal link and external link:-If you are publishing a post on your blog then definitely add the internal link to the External link why whenever you visit the visitor on your site, they want to know a lot. If you add related external link to the post in the middle. Then he will also open the link so that you will get the benefit that will be your Traffic Increase and Visitor will also have to learn something new so that we will tell you that you must add Internal Link and external link to the blog post.

9.Use header tag:-Ye point on page seo is an important step. It is very important to use header tags in a blog post. These headers are of very kind. Ex - H1, H2, H3, etc .. We can tell you to use H1 Tags only once, which will be the main title of the post, then you can use the entire tag. We suggest you use Most Keyboard to be sure that you come to the first rank of your blog's Google search engine.

10.Target SEO Keyboard Under Post:-

You share any article related to Topic on your website. So in the post you can use the keyboard, this will find the best rank of your blog. If you do not edit in the post, you can use Google Adwords to get the target keyboard. Find the first rank of search.

11.Use social widget:-This is a very important step of ON Page SEO. Let us tell you that the most popular website in the world is Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter. If you share your blog post on social media So you can find a lot of traffic. We have seen many websites that they did not have social media widget. It is a very forgetful blog that is a good tool to get traffic. That's why we will suggest that you put a social widget on your blog and you increase traffic to the blog.