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Friday, December 11, 2020

Phrases about the epiphany

December 11, 2020 0
Phrases about the epiphany

 The 6 January we celebrate the Epiphany . This is the last feast of the Christmas period , which commemorates the arrival of the Three Kings at the Bethlehem grotto. This anniversary is much loved by the little ones, especially for the mythical figure of the Befana, an old woman who, flying on a broom, distributes sweets, gifts and coal to those who have been more naughty.

To send greetings for "Buona Befana" phrases , images of the Befana or even  phrases of greetings for the Befana funny will be perfect. If you are looking for something simpler, opt for the or simply phrases for the Befana of wishes that we propose below.

Best wishes for the Befana

The Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th Already in the etymology of the word "Epiphany" we find the deep meaning of this festival. Epiphany means revelation, in particular the manifestation of God to men is celebrated, through the encounter with the Magi. The messages for the Epiphany often recall this religious inspiration and hope to the sender to receive many gifts. Others, on the other hand, focus more on the folkloristic aspect of the festival and on the legend of the Befana.
Here are some phrases of the wishes of " Good Epiphany " and phrases perfect to share on January 6:

I hope the Befana makes all your wish list come true!

Happy Epiphany for everything you will find in the sock, for every sweet that will make you feel good, for every hug that will warm your heart. Wishes!

I wish you an Epiphany full of serenity!

I hope that the Befana will bring you peace. Best wishes!

I wish you an Epiphany full of grace and love!

I hope that you will spend the Befana with the people you love most.

Wait for the gifts of the Befana, in the meantime I wish you my best wishes.

I wish you the Befana brings you the best. Wishes.

I wish you many gifts and infinite sweetness. Good Befana!

Best wishes for the Befana Festival!

I wish you a peaceful Epiphany to spend with the people you love most.

I want to send you this wish to give you a moment of happiness. Good Befana!

I wish you to spend this day of celebration in serenity. Happy Epiphany!

La Befana must make your every dream come true. Wishes.

La Befana has already brought me you, I don't want anything else. Best wishes love.

I hope today will be a wonderful day for you. Happy Epiphany.

My infinite wishes for a peaceful Epiphany. Wishes!

I wish you a Befana party at home, surrounded by your dearest loved ones.

The party atmosphere makes everything more magical. Good Befana!

La Befana arrived with her gifts. Happy Epiphany!

I wish you can feel the true magic of Epiphany!

Befana or non befana, for me you are perfect. I wish you to always remain as you are.

Who knows what beautiful places you will visit tonight. Good Befana.

With you by my side it will be a unique Befana Festival. Wishes.

I wish you a day full of gifts and surprises.

A day of gifts and happiness. I hope your Epiphany is just like that. Wishes.

Best wishes! May the Befana bring you harmony and serenity!

I wish you a relaxing day before resuming work ... Happy Epiphany!

The magic of Epiphany warm your homes. Wishes.

With you the gifts arrive all year round. Thanks my Befana.

Happy 6th January! A magical day full of sweets and gifts.

Many tender and magical wishes for a wonderful Epiphany!

You realize that you are getting old when the Befana no longer seems so old ... Best wishes!

May the Befana bring you a mountain of sweets and no coal!

Enjoy this day of celebration. Happy Epiphany

I wish you an Epiphany full of smiles!

The stockings are hanging, the party is ready! Happy Epiphany!

Happy Epiphany and a good start to a year full of gifts.

Have a peaceful Epiphany with the family.

Happy Epiphany, I hope it brings you only welcome gifts and a year full of wonders.

May the Befana bring you and your family the best gifts.

I wish you a surprising last day of celebration. Happy Epiphany.

The Three Kings bring your family the serenity it deserves. Happy Epiphany.

I wish you to find so much joy, happiness and love in the sock.

Happy Epiphany to you and family from the bottom of my heart!

Only gold, no frankincense and myrrh! Happy Epiphany!

La Befana is flying and coming to you. Happy Epiphany.

I don't have a broom, but I am sending you a gift anyway. Happy Epiphany.

I wish you can find many smiles in the Befana socks.

But can the Three Kings and the Befana know how to buy from Amazon? Happy Epiphany to all.

Happy Epiphany

Nursery rhymes and aphorisms about the Befana

The Epiphany and the Befana are the protagonists of poems, aphorisms and rhyming rhymes. These literary creations are often intended for children, to tell the magic of one of the most popular holidays of the year. So here are nursery rhymes of the Befana, which tell of socks full of gifts and sweets. Some funny aphorisms about the Befana , on the other hand, capture the ironic side of this magical female figure.
Choose the most beautiful one to share among our Epiphany wishes :

You know what? I have full socks of the Befana. Happy Epiphany to all!
Lia Celi )

Go to sleep, little ones,
in the
white and beautiful beds as cream;
go to sleep!
From the castle of the fairies,
which is up there, far away
among the immaculate snows, the Befana
slowly comes to the fireplace
, rich and good,
giving you little
horses, dolls
and endless toys.
The donkey brings them to him,
strong and beautiful,
which has very long ears:
if he hears you, children, woe!
Go to sleep, little ones,
in the
white and beautiful beds as cream;
go to sleep!
Arpalice Cuman Pertile)

a very strange old woman comes out of her den ,
she has a pointed hat,
her cape by now worn out
and on the back of her broom she
goes from Africa to Europe
to bring
only sweet and tasty gifts to good children .
No crafty one, you know, gives her a damn
because she's a powerful witch
puts a lot of coal in the rascal's sock .
Giuseppe Bordi )

Broken shoes, broom in hand,
and a big butt;
skirt and hat,
cloak closed with a lace;
big nose, without teeth,
but with smiling eyes;
bag on his shoulder, disheveled:
finally it has arrived!
That old carampana:
the nice one ...
Jolanda Restano )

It seems to me yesterday:
the grandmother Befana, the old woman
who loves good children and dozes
up there in the chimney,
had noticed a child who was
not too good: me
and my desires.
So that,
one morning (how cold in my shirt!),
One morning (there was no school:
because it was Easter Epiphany).
I had my happiness:
a horse that went up and down:
a king's horse.
I see him as if I were here: his sharp ears,
his mane and tail flaked,
his harnesses
and his eyes wide open:
two brown eyes, human,
sad: I see them again.
For mountains and floors
wooden horse, galloping, galloping!
The game is never too much!
Up and down, between joy and joy,
there was no time for boredom,
then, with my rocking horse!
Days away!
Giuseppe Zucca )

He removes decorations from the trees,
the shepherds from the cribs,
leaving behind a trail
of melancholy.
But to the younger children he
will donate socks and sweets.
She has always been the oldest.
Who will be? But it's the ...
Teresa Zaccuri )

Grandma, was there the Befana in your day?
And the grandmother smiles and says: “Yes,
if I remember! Dawn was far away, it
was still night, the day was not breaking:
but soon I would go to the hearth
where my sock was to wait ... ”
Mom, was there a Befana in your day?
And mom smiles and says: “Yes.
It was winter, but like spring it
seemed to me that it was that beautiful day ...
I got up almost at dawn, in a hurry
and ran to look for my shoe ... "
And time passes, the world goes on:
and the ancient Befana is still here;
through the mountains, valleys and islands and cities it
returns as it once was, this day;
it's always her, she can't change anymore
because there is always youth in the world.
Alessandro Galante Garrone )

La Befana, dear old lady,
goes old fashioned , without haste.
He doesn't take the airplane
to fly from the mountain to the plane,
the dear old woman only trusts
her broom:
that's how it happens
that the Befana… can't be seen!
It is late among the clouds,
and many are left without gifts!
I almost, in my good heart,
would like to give her a micromotor,
so that she can arrive everywhere
in good weather or bad weather ...
A little progress and speed
to give everyone happiness!
Gianni Rodari )

The Befana comes, comes
from a very distant land,
so far away that there isn't…
the Befana, do you know who she is?
The Befana comes,
if you shut up you hear it well:
if you shut up you fall asleep,
the Befana no longer hears.
La Befana, poor thing,
is confused by her haste:
instead of the train I had ordered,
some coal has left me.
Gianni Rodari )

The Befana
comes comes from the mountains late at night.
How tired she is! The surrounding
snow, frost and wind.
The Befana is coming.
He has his hands on his chest on the cross,
and the snow is his cloak
and the frost his panel
and the wind his voice.
His hands are on his chest on the cross.
And he slowly approaches
the villa, the cottage,
to look, to listen, now
more near, or farther away.
Slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly.
Who is inside this villa?
A light rubbing.
Everything is quiet, everything is black.
A candle passes and shines.
Who is inside this villa?
Look and see… Three sunbeds
with three children to bed, good.
look and look ... At the capitoni
there are three long and fine socks.
Oh! Three socks and three beds…
The light shines and goes down,
and the stairs creak;
the light shines and rises,
and the curtains throb.
Who ever goes up? Who ever gets off?
With her gifts Mum has come down, she
goes up with her smile.
The light burns in her face
like a church lamp.
With her gifts Mum has come down.
The Befana at the window
hears and sees, and goes away.
It passes with the north wind, it
passes by the main road:
every door, every window trembles.
And what's in the cottage?
A long, faint sigh.
A few fireflies
still glow in the hearth.
What is it in the cottage?
Look and see ... Three extra points
with three babies to bed, good ones.
Between the ash and the coals
there are three worn hooves.
Oh! three shoes and three overstuffed ...
And the mother watches and spins
sighing and sobbing,
and looks at when and when
oh! those three hooves in a row ... She
watches and cries, cries and spins.
The Befana sees and hears;
flee to the mountain, which is the dawn.
That mom still cries
over those babies with nothing.
La Befana sees and hears.
The Befana goes to the mountain.
What he sees and what he saw:
there are those who cry and there are those who laugh;
it has clouds on its forehead,
while it is on the white mountain
Giovanni Pascoli )

On that planet, the Befana
travels astride a rocket
in seventeen stages
and in each stage
there is a beautiful closet
full of gifts
and an electronic robot
with the addresses of good children.
Indeed with the addresses
of all the children, because by
now it is understood
that there is none of their bad guys.
Gianni Rodari )

Dear Befana
Take a little train that you stop at the home of every child
That you stop at the homes of the poor with so many gifts and so many confetti
Gianni Rodari )

They told me, dear Befana,
that you fill your wool sock,
that all children, if they are good,
receive rich gifts from you.
I have always been good,
but you have never brought me a gift.
Also this year in the calendar
you pass right on schedule,
but I'm afraid, poor man,
that you travel by direct train:
a train that skips many stations
where there are good children.
I sent you this letter
to get you to take the accelerator!
O dear Befana, take a train
that you stop at the home of every child,
that you stop at the homes of the poor
with so many gifts and so many confetti.
Gianni Rodari )

We have received your CV, she has been selected among many for appearance and presence, come and collect the broom: she is hired!

But the Befana, since it takes away all the holidays, could not also take away the tree and the crib?
Damn the boxes….
Marco Salvati )

The befana comes at night
with her shoes all broken ... She comes
from heaven with the broom
and on the roofs she slowly
lands and then goes down quickly
from the chimneys with the basket.
The befana is an old lady
a little ugly poor thing,
but the children don't care
if the basket is full
full of gifts, sweets, trains,
dolls to fill the socks.
The witch with the basket
looks for, looks for the sock
and only to good children
she gives us many gifts
but to those who have been a little rogue,
she fills it with coal.
The befana is already on the roof
soon children all to bed!
Let's leave the old lady alone
to fill the sock,
that tomorrow early in the morning we will
discover the gift!

Over the roofs,
the old woman goes slowly and, from the chimney,
then she gets down and bounces down
to fill your stocking
with coal or
with orange sweets and games.
Then it goes back up, it goes away
and another year it will come back!

Shut up, shut up, good children,
quickly, quickly down to sleep:
the Befana is about to come
with her sack full of gifts.
La Befana is an old woman
who descends from the moon
on the broom as
soon as the sky darkens.
And he slowly approaches
the socks and shoes
lined up on the fireplace
and, laughing, puts and puts ...
Outside the north wind blows
and the white snow comes down,
but for the children the Befana is
not cold and does not get tired.

They told me, the Befana
is no longer so far away
on the broom and
will already reach the Epiphany on the way .
It will bring the children good
sweet treats and other gifts.
The Befana passed here
all this took me!
If she is ugly old and crooked
I don't know and I don't care,
I only know that her arrival
makes the heart happier!

At the Befana a shoe broke,
and the scarf was also unstitched.
Her hood is all faded,
with rips and holes is her dress.
Alas, the broom is all plucked,
and his club has now broken.
So he runs into a warehouse,
buys a dress, a red sweater.
Big boots, nice socks,
a nice cap and long johns.
Finally, buy a moped
and hook up behind a cart.
Thus harnessed and half splashed, she
goes all the way down the street.
Then he flies in the sky between clouds and stars and
collects games and beautiful dolls.
And, trumpeting as he goes up, he
runs after Santa's sleigh.

Befana Befanina,
don't bring us coal,
we'll be so good
until tomorrow morning.
Deh! We haven't been
through this whole year…
A year is long, isn't it?
But you have forgiven us.
What does the past do?
We will be, oh Befanina,
until tomorrow morning
wonders of goodness.

Children, close your eyes
because the Befana is already walking on the roofs!
Walk with a sack stuffed
with sweets and beautiful toys, understand?
But woe to him if he hears you talking!
The old woman mutters, you make her escape!
If, on the other hand, he sees you sleeping,
the socks slowly begin to fill up.
And when the next day comes,
oh, how many of you will clap your hands!

O Befana, Befanina,
do not pass so quickly,
do not forget my little house,
do not forget my sock!
At the cicchetto I prepared
a pugnel of broad beans and hay,
I left you a basket
full of cicchetti.
You, coming late at night,
when I sleep and think of you,
make my stocking well rounded;
I will be happy as a king!

While the witch was going
to a child's house, she
got entangled with her skirt
over the edge of the fireplace.
By tearing the big sack
escaped her, she fell from underneath,
not even a package remained
that was not all broken.
"What a disaster, what a disaster"
under the dark gray sky,
the old woman murmured.
“It would take a nice prodigy”.
Then, smiling
broadly, he turned his eyes towards the sky
and the sack
was suddenly full of toys again.
"May a child
never wait in vain , my word"
said the witch, softly.
Then he resumed his journey.

Good morning, Happy Epiphany everyone!

Here comes the Befana
with patches to the skirt,
with a big nose and a pointed chin,
with the basket now worn,
brings sweets to the good children,
markers, games, gifts ...
She collects tirelessly
written especially letters,
then checks all of
both rest assured that the rascals;
so in a hurry he prepares
beautiful things and good things
without ever forgetting
in the sock to leave
a nice piece of coal
to the pestiferous and the scoundrel! ...
Here comes the Befana
with patches to the petticoat.
In the night she travels tired,
she doesn't miss a snack
because everyone has left
a chocolate biscuit,
some oranges and a little wine,
a nice fire in the fireplace,
to be able to refresh
her from her magical wandering.